Sunday, November 25, 2012

Cheese, beer, coffee.

Three things that are important to me.

If you had to live with just one, what would it be?
(Substitute tea if that's your caffeine of choice!)

For me, it's becoming clear that it's coffee, and I fit right in here in Japan. Cheese is scarce, pricey and rubbish, as you'd expect in a largely dairy free country where milk costs more than petrol.

That's me, trying a HOT can of coffee from one of the vending machines that are EVERYWHERE over here. It was surprisingly good. I've had many a cup that was much worse (old ladies and staffroom mellow birds, EW!). They love their coffee here, they really do.

By contrast, if coffee is acceptable and pervasive, beer and pubs is a different issue all together. Over here, bars are for drinking, hard drinking. Not for the first time it strikes me that British pub culture to be cherished as a rare and wonderful thing! Both in North America and Japan, public bars are places you go to drink, where the socialising is a side issue. Back in the UK, indeed, if Switzerland and France are anything to go by, in Europe, Pubs bars and cafes are places you go to socialise, and the drinking is a side issue.  Part of me thinks it's because our beer is so bloody good and worth enjoying properly, but then again it seems to be true in France where that's far from the case. I'm far from being an expert, I just know that, for me, pubs are one of the truly great things about Britain.

Over here in Japan, just like when I went to Romania with St Georges a couple of years ago, I've run into dry Christianity. With drinking-culture being so different, so damaging and un-wholesome, Japanese Christians don't drink alcohol, as a rule, and not waning to stand out, cause offense or damage the reputation of the family I'm staying with, I have't either. It's been good to see that I haven't really missed it. Does one good to go without, every now and then. I know I'll really appreciate it when I get home!

Still, it does make me ponder what I would do, If i were over here long term. How important is it to conform to the world's views, or the local christian world's views. After-all, Jesus loved a glass or two of wine. Should we, as Christians, be demonstrating the joy that can be found in all parts of creation, or is that just the selfish drinker in me talking? I also want to say what huge respect I have for missionaries, who don't always know exactly what they are giving up when they answer the call. I really hope God only calls me to places with decent pubs!

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