Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Just a little one

Tionight I am not drinking. Perhaps this should happed more often and be less of a big deal when it does. Hmmm. Not sure how convicted I feel about that.

Also, through lent I 'gave up' speeding. I tried to be conscious of my speed and never deliberately went above the posted limit. Now Lent is over, why I am I happy doing 80 on the motorway. Should we all, as Christians, religiously obey the speeding laws? I suspect Jesus would if he was here, but for some reason, even though this would be an easy area to do the right thing, i persist in breaking the law, just a little bit, most days. What do you all think?

Still, I did just catch up with a psalm on our new Vicar's blog at http://godsipod.wordpress.com and it felt good. Even if this one was about leaning on God when the bottom falls out of your world and at the moment my world feels quite solidly bottomed.

Anyhoo, God Bless. Be happy. Let me know what you think of my speeding.



  1. I am becoming more pragmatic about these things. I'm not defending speeding (or saying anyone else should) I'm just saying I just _don't care_. It's why we don't succeed in many New Year's resolutions; we just, deep down, _don't want_ to change more than we would like to change. Same reason many of us don't read our Bibles or pray as must as we er... "should". We don't want to. Call it selfishness or battle of our better nature over worldliness (or whatever) if you like. Perhaps it's an age-old struggle for spiritual disciplines (and their fruit, which is the point). But I have found giving up my care for many of the apparently more trivial good-Christian "should"s is freeing, because many are selfcentered naval gazing anyway. Speeding? Heck below 80mph I don't care. Recycling? Yeah do some, don't go crazy about it if you don't want to.

  2. Ah, a welcome fresh perspective from you, Dave. Is the cat now amongst the pigeons out there in the blogosphere?
