Tuesday, July 6, 2010

There it goes again...

Well I've done it again.

I've signed up for the Great North Run in a bid to raise some cash for Christian Aid, beat the 2 hour mark and hopefully use the Christian Aid angle of 'Life before Death' to talk about my faith a bit more.

Every time I've  signed up for a big run in the past something had gone wrong with my leg, and this year is no exception. Last week, just as I was feeling good in my running after a 50 minute 10k in Aldridge, I did something to my knee performing my good deed for the day rescuing a shopping trolley from the wilderness. Not sure what's up; it doesn't feel too bad as I managed to first 2 miles back from church quite well before copping out and hopping on a bus this weekend. I'm hoping some ice and ibuprofen will help, as well as last year's proven regime of prayer...

The same thing happened last year, you see. Throughout the year I was regularly up at the front of church after the service praying for healing. I got very frustrated with God, because there was no miraculous overnight healing, but as the months wore on I noticed that I was running further and faster all the time, despite being regularly humbled by my knee. It turned out to be a rich faith experience, constantly having to return to the Lord and lean on him for just enough strength for the next run. So this year, despite picking up the obligatory knee pain just as i signed up, I rest easy (well, fairly easy) in the knowledge that I run for and with God and he and I will get me to Newcastle in just good enough shape to get the race finished in less than 2 hours.

On a different note, I have a new phone, and one of those fancy android smartphones. It does all sorts of trick and lets me play games and organise my life better, but the best bit by far is the bible app. Nt only do I now have about 20 different translations of the bible in my pocket all the time, it also prompts me evry day to read a bit. I've signed up to an online read-the-bible-in-a-year plan and have consequently read my bible evry day for over 3 weeks! I have now read more than 3% on the word of the Lord! Hoorah for gadgets that impact on spiritual life. Who knew google would be helping me get closer to God?

Watch this space for running updates, or sponsor me at my justgiving page : http://original.justgiving.com/greatnorthrob2010


I'll keep you all posted.

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