Thursday, December 13, 2012

Do not doubt in darkness what God has shown you in the light

A cheesy quote, and one that I can find no source for.

However much this can make our faith seem 'blind,' yesterday I found this simple line a way of shifting my paradigm.

I t can be hard when it feels like I'm not hearing from God, or at least, not as spectacularly and clearly as I would like (Why don't I get a burning bush? Or Jesus appearing inviting me to touch His hands and sides? No fair!)

If God seems far away, if you are doubting what you believe he has told you; hold on. Maybe you're right, may be not. It's good to doubt, to question, to test, to seek the truth. Just don't get hung up in paranoia and darkness.

Let me tell you what really helped yesterday.

I sat with a friend, a bother in Christ. We talked, we prayed, my perspective shifted. Now I'm back to holding my calling lightly and seeking God to know His will for my life.

There's just still doubt, but it feels more like doubt in the light!

1 comment:

  1. Love hearing your thoughts, Rob.

    And here's a thought for you. For Moses the miracle wasn't the burning bush, but the fact that the plant wasn't being burnt up. Yes still a miracle, but not quite the message in headlights in the way we think. It was quite subtle...
